刘嘉勇 博士生导师
主持或承担完成包括国家自然科学基金、国家科技部网络信息安全重点专项课题等十余项科研课题,在网络信息安全研究领域中取得系列成果,其中网络威胁情报获取与数据挖掘系统、网络舆情信息分析系统等科研成果在实际应用中取得重要社会经济效益。在国内外重要学术期刊或会议上发表论文近百篇,其中30余篇论文被SCI/EI收录,作为第一起草人完成国家标准GB/T 18794.3的制定工作。
科技部国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB0802904),软件与系统漏洞分析与发现技术,2017. 7至2021.6
四川省科技计划重点研发项目(2020YFG0076),社会媒体中用户观点与舆情事件联合演变技术研究,2020. 1至2021.12
Rongfeng Zheng, Jiayong Liu*,etc. Preprocessing Method for Encrypted Traffic Based on Semisupervised Clustering[J]. Security and Communication Networks. 2020 Jul 27:1-13.
Shan Liao, Jiayong Liu*,etc,Modified gradient neural networks for solving the time-varying Sylvester equation with adaptive coefficients and elimination of matrix inversion,Neurocomputing,Vol.379, Feb.28,2020:1-11
Li Li, Jiayong Liu*. SecACS:Enabling lightweight secure auditable cloud storage with data dynamics. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 54(2020) 102545, Oct.2020
Han, JX ; Huang, C; Shi, F ; Liu, JY*,Covert timing channel detection method based on time interval and payload length analysis[J]. Computers & Security, Vol.97:101952. Oct.2020
Li Li, Jiayong Liu*, Peng Jia. SPCTR: Sealed Auction-Based Procurement for Closest Pre-Tender with Range Validation, Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2020, Article ID 8872617
Jiayong Liu, Yu Su, Shun Lv, Cheng Huang, Detecting Web Spam Based on Novel Features from Web Page Source Code, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.2020,Article ID 6662166.
Peng Jia, Jiayong Liu*,etc. An improvement method for degree and its extending centralities in directed networks[J], Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,Vol.532,2019 Oct.15
Peng Jia, Jiayong Liu*,etc, Modeling and analyzing malware propagation in social networks with heterogeneous infection rates, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,Vol.507,2018:240-254